Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 13

According to the P90X fitness guide I am supposed to do Kempo today. I did some Kempo last summer before my soccer injury. It’s kicking and punching ect…Yes, it is a good workout, but the whole point of it is to burn calories. Because I am a soccer player and I enjoy biking, I chose to run two miles and bike five miles. I think I’m gonna do that from now on, rather than doing Kempo. I’ll save Kempo for rainy daysJ

 I’ve gotta admit, this has been a rough week. Doing intense workouts for six days straight is quite a task. Regardless of the pain, I’m really enjoying the journey. I believe this program, if done diligently, will not only give you a beach body, but will build self-respect and character. I have more respect for myself every time I Bring It with P90X.           

I encourage all of you to make the same commitment as my father and I. Do it for your health, character, self-respect, and clarity of mind. If you complete a workout program from, everything I said will happen to you. Don’t wait. Dedicate a small portion of your life to wellness!


  1. How hard would it be for a girl if they were already in good condition?

  2. Trust me, if you " bring it" with p90x it will be very difficult. Last summer, before I broke my leg, I was in good condition. Lets just say that p90x is on a different level. I'ts the real deal.

    Tony Horton dsigned it for people on every fitness level.

    1. Okay, awesome. I might have to give it a shot!

  3. Didn't you like get P90X by an accident? :) I wish I had the money for it. I would totally do it.
