Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 45 Chest, Shoulders, triceps

Today was the most difficult day yet! I am so tired! Because I played so much soccer over the weekend, I woke up exhausted. I failed to even start my Cardio workout this morning, but that’s fine because I burned lots of calories over the weekend. Somehow, I not only finished my major workout, but  did a really good job. Unfortunately, I did not have the will power or energy to get past the first Abb Ripper move. I’m unhappy  I wasn’t able to do all of my workouts. However, when I think about it,  doing those workouts would have been counter-productive. Sometimes you have really tough days and can’t do too much. I did Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps well. I didn’t do Cardio or Abbs; it is what it is. I’ll do better next time, as Tony Horton would say: “I did my best and forgot the rest.”

OK, about my father. I’m still helping him do the Ten Minute Trainer. He is progressing incredibly well. Every time I’d hug him goodnight, I’d always feel his sizable belly. After nearly eight weeks, ten minutes a day, it’s barely there! Whaaatttt! It’s really cool.

He is so funny. We do the same workouts every week, yet he somehow manages how to forget the basic techniques. I have to re-teach him every time. It’s actually pretty funny J

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 42

Hey everyone :) Sorry I haven’t posted anything in so long. I guess I just got caught up in life. I’m still doing hard core P90X with Tony Horton and crew, but I’d be lying if I said I’m loving every second of it. It’s not all butterflies and pancakes anymore. In fact, there are many moments when all I want to do is spew obscenities at him! But he always manages to say something that makes me smile. It’s a love hate. I can’t wait until I meet him.

I’m still working harder each time I do a workout; it’s just much more difficult. All that P90X wears on you. On top of my 2 plus hours of P90X each day, I’m playing soccer at the park with some people three times a week. Needless to say, I’m pretty dang tired. But as Tony says, “it’s a beautiful thing.” Hahaha….. he is so funny.

I plan on updating you all on my dad's progress. He is on day 50 and looking awesome!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

First month photos!

Day: 30



Day: 1

Day: 30

Day 32( first month is over!)

Wow! My first month is over. I haven't worked harder in my life. Talk about putting yourself through hell; my first month was rough. for some sick reason ( probably because I'm destined to become a professional athlete) I loved my time in hell with Tony Horton and am looking forward to the next 60 days!
 OK, so I'm gonna make a list of my sins for this month, then I'm gonna show you my new schedule. For my new schedule, I'll be working for more than 2 HR a day.

Day 4:  didn't finish yoga because plyometrics turned me into jello
Day 5: didn't finish Legs and Back  because of post traumatic stress( plyometrics)
Day 18 didn't finish Legs and Back. literally had NO energy.

Day: 1
Day: 30

New schedule:
Mon: am Cardio X
         pm Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, Abb Ripper X
Tues: Plyometrics
Wed: Am: Cardio X
          Pm: Chest, Biceps, Abb Ripper XThurs: Yoga X
Fri: Am: Cardio X
       Pm: Legs, Back, Abb Ripper X
Sat: Run and/or Sprint intervals
Sun: Rest or Stretch

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 22 (rest week/or not!)
Today is my first day of rest week, YEAH!? A rest week for p90x is this:

Mon: Yoga (1 ½ hr of extreme discomfort)

Tues:Core Synergistics( insane abb/core workout)

Wed: Kempo (kicking, punching and sweating)

Thurs: X Stretch

Fri: Core Synergistics

Sat: Yoga (AGAIN, NOOOOO!!!)

Sun: Rest or stretch( Rest!!)

What a rest week. Need I say more…..?
When I am in a foul mood, brooding over what Tony has I store for me, I'll go to the bathroom, stand in front of the mirror and chew myself out. Strangely enough, it works. I tell myself that I am a low life who will never get anywhere in life because I am not willing to work. I get myself feeling like an idiot and say that I will lose all self-respect if I quite. As weird as it may sound, It works. My despicable pride motivates me to persevere, whatever works. :)
I’m about to do Yoga. I am in a good mood, so I shouldn’t have to psyche myself out.