Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 13

According to the P90X fitness guide I am supposed to do Kempo today. I did some Kempo last summer before my soccer injury. It’s kicking and punching ect…Yes, it is a good workout, but the whole point of it is to burn calories. Because I am a soccer player and I enjoy biking, I chose to run two miles and bike five miles. I think I’m gonna do that from now on, rather than doing Kempo. I’ll save Kempo for rainy daysJ

 I’ve gotta admit, this has been a rough week. Doing intense workouts for six days straight is quite a task. Regardless of the pain, I’m really enjoying the journey. I believe this program, if done diligently, will not only give you a beach body, but will build self-respect and character. I have more respect for myself every time I Bring It with P90X.           

I encourage all of you to make the same commitment as my father and I. Do it for your health, character, self-respect, and clarity of mind. If you complete a workout program from, everything I said will happen to you. Don’t wait. Dedicate a small portion of your life to wellness!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 12:

I’ve been well since Monday. Because I missed so many workouts, I started at day 8, rather day 11.

This week has been good and bad. It was good because I did every workout (besides legs and back) without taking any breaks.
I’m glad nobody saw me doing legs and back today. I looked like I was trying to workout after I just had a baby. It was rough! Since I really brought it this week, my workouts were more intense than usual. That is saying a lot. Needless to say, I am very proud of myself.                                                                                                          
Because I am my own personal trainer, I give myself reprimands and praise. It’s kinda weird. Sometimes I even chew myself out if I start getting lazy.I know, it's weird. But everyone is different. As for me, I am my own worst critic. I choose to think of that as a strength. I get disgusted with myself very easily.

Enough about me, my Dad is doing incredibly well. He is on day 16. He lost 7 pounds in the first ten days, and is looking really good.

But he keeps complaining about how his workouts are not getting easier. I keep telling him that every time he does a workout, I make sure his form is better than the last time. Therefore, the workout is much more difficult. He understood.
It’s really cool being able to help him get in shape. Our relationship is better than it has ever been. Right now he is on a business trip. I'm making him bring his workouts with him. We shall see if he does it; I think he will. That is all for today.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hey everyone,

I'm still recovering from sickness! ugh! I hate it.

My dad is moving along quite well. He is finishing second week. It was hilarious. We were going into my room to do is Day six workout and he was in a really foul mood. He stomped into the room, anger written on his face. He looked at me and said:
" I am tired of hearing Tony Horton's voice. I'm sick of seeing him every day. He tells people like me, who have no muscle, to do stuff that takes muscle. the stink'in woman on his workout video has more muscle in one abb than I have in my entire body! When I have muscle we can talk"

Fortunately I did my job and convinced him to finish his workout. It was hilarious.

See you all next time.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 10, Wednesday: 

       Today was Arms, Shoulders and Abb Ripper. I woke up feeling like garbage. I had no energy. I stumbled into the kitchen and ate a big plate of gluten free spaghetti. After that I felt fine. Thinking the reason for my lack of energy was caused by hunger, I prepared for my workout.
      I’m my Dad’s personal trainer. My job is to choose his daily workouts, log his progress, make sure he actually does his workouts, and set up everything before hand. So, before I Was able to do my workout, I had to do the Ten Minute Trainer with him.
      I know what you are thinking. How can someone get a good workout in just ten minutes? The all powerful Tony Horton is a fitness Genius. He created the Ten Minute trainer for people, like my dad, who do not have time to workout. One cardio workout burns more calories than a 30 minute jog. This program is legit.
     So yesterday was my dad’s first time doing the ten minute trainer. After his workout he was completely exhausted. He did really well. He said it is more difficult than a two mile jog/walk. I’m really excited to get my dad fit while I’m going the same thing for myself.
     When I finished with my dad, I did my workout.
Let me tell you, Tony really worked me. Throughout the workout I felt great. I finished strong with minimum breaks and felt really pleased with myself. I collapsed on my coach to enjoy a nice game of soccer. When out of nowhere, I was hit with body aches, congestion, and a sore throat. I guess my body has been fighting the sickness for a couple of days. That explains why I was feeling bad this morning.    I’m hoping I won’t be out for too long. This is so not cool! I’ll see you all when I am well. Thanks for readingJ

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday, Day 9:  For some reason, I was actually looking forward to Plyometrics. It don’t know what I was thinking, cause from the moment  I started, to the moment I finished, I felt like I was experiencing hell on earth.                                                                                                                                             

From start to finish, Tony has you squatting, jumping, hopping, and sweating. In laymen’s term Plyometrics equals PAIN, AGONY and DISTRESS.                                                                                  

The beauty of it all is that when I complete the workout, I feel as if I have conquered the world. That
feeling of success is all I need to continue. Well, that and the great results it yields. It’s time for me to hit the sack. I’m pooped. See you all tomorrow.


             My name is Cale Denson. I’d like to tell you a few things about myself and the inspiration behind this Blog.

 For the better part of my life I have wanted to be a healthy person, inside and out. I don't believe there is a teenage boy out there who does not aspire to be sculpted and chiseled. However, for me, fitness is about more than the surface. Yeah, looking good is great. Who isn’t more confident when they are in shape? However, I believe fitness is a life decision.

Scientists have proven that exercise and a healthy diet will wipe out seventy percent of ailments people have to live with. Moreover, a man is supposed to reach the prime of his life at forty years old. Rather than feeling great, many forty year old men in today’s age cannot even run. I believe this is a result of a bad diet and lack of exercise. Therefore, at the young age of sixteen, I am dedicating my life to wellness.

 I will be in my prime at forty.

 In pursuit of this goal, I am going to complete Tony Horton’s P90x fitness program. Last summer, I completed the first two months of his rigorous program, but unfortunately I broke my shin in a soccer game. Four months have drifted away. I am the opposite of sculpted. I feel like a ball of blubber.

Things are going to change.

 Mr., Horton designed his program to transform your body is 90 days. I began five days ago, January 1, 2012. In three months I will be fit and healthy.
My ambition stretches further than having a nice body. Hopefully this blog will be a stepping stone, leading to my ultimate goal of becoming a Athletic Trainer.

The P90X fitness program is a full body workout. Here is the schedule I will be following for the first three weeks. Each workout is just over an hour.

Monday: Chest and Back

 Tuesday: Plyometrics

 Wednesday: Shoulders and Arms

 Thursday: Yoga X

 Friday: Legs and Back

 Saturday: (I’ve modified this workout) Sprint Training

 Sunday: X Stretch

Day 1-7 Wow, I never knew I was so out of shape! The first week was like getting hit by a truck, recovering over night, and then doing the same thing all over again. I literally felt pain in every part of my body, including my butt!
In spite of all that, it was an awesome week. The beauty of doing Tony Horton’s program is that he makes it fun. I laugh my head off while I put my body through hell. How cool is that?

Day 8, Monday: Today is Chest, Back and Abb Ripper X. I was feeling sick last night, so I had to stop about ¾ of the way through chest and back... I hate stopping in the middle of workouts!

After that I did Abb Ripper. Ok guys, Tony makes you do 349 intense Abb moves! But, finishing my Abb workout felt really good. I’m sure am ready to be done for the day. I’ve found that when I turn off my mind and focus on the form, finishing the workout is a lot easier.

At the End of Chest and Back I have done over 140 push ups and 40 pull-ups. It is a rigorous workout. I am definitely ready for bed!Well, I not going to bed, I'm gonna watch Alias. See you all tomorrow.

           These are day 1 photos: